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Advanced Mathematics Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Advanced Mathematics

A collection of 200+ questions from science and current affairs with multiple choice.
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This giveaway offer has expired. Advanced Mathematics is now available on the regular basis.

Knowledge is life, power and road which leads to success.
"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes" By Peter F. Drucker (1909-2005) American writer and management consultant.

Whatever may be your area of business i.e. study,business,job,service,contractor,etc. Basic/General Knowledge will play significant role in your success.

We have a collection of 200+ questions from science and current affairs with multiple choice. Download this app update your general knowledge which is key to success.


- No Internet connectivity required
- Two modes : Study / Test
- You can turn Negative markings ON/OFF from settings 
- You can set the test/study mode timings, e.g. 10m,15m,20m…..upto 45m
- Sound ON/OFF option.
- You can also choose the question style i.e. Sequential or Random.
- During test, you can skip questions and answer them at end of test by marking them for review.
- You can review questions at end of test agains your answers.
- Top 5 scores will be presented
- Graphical representation of top 5 scores


Space-O Infoweb, Inc









2.0.1 and up

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