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Bu programın süresi doldu. Alarm360 Smart Voice - Alarm clock PRO artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Setting up an alarm was never so quick and easy. Swipe your finger across the center ring or talk to set your alarm by voice
AS A RAY : With the voice only, you can set an alarm in less than 2 seconds.
COLOR : Join the great experience of color and sensations upon awakening. Customize the color you like.
AWAKENING : Awesome way to wake up with good humor and tranquility. Configure the method with which you want to wake up. You will never fall asleep again.
NIGHT MODE : Turn the phone and enjoy relaxing videos while you fall asleep, set the sleep-mode time to keep the night time.
MUSIC : High quality music for a pleasant awakening. Choose your favorite music.
4.4 and up
Alarm360 Smart Voice - Alarm clock PRO üzerine yorumlar
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