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Bu programın süresi doldu. Feltmen Trampette artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Do you know what happens when the lights go out in the gymnastics hall? The needle felt mat comes to life. This amazing life form is adventurous and loves to flip. It is called a FELTMAN. Your mission is to train your team of feltmen on the trampette.
Tap anywhere when the gymnast hits the trampette and the vaulting table. The timing is crucial to get maximum height. In TeamGym Trampette your team consists of six gymnasts, every gymnast has 3 jumps each. That is a total of 18 landings for you to stick.
Collect stars to unlock new features and level up skills. You will receive stars when you execute a difficult trick with a nice landing.
Good luck!
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Sport Games
2.2 and up
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