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Gwlad Gwlad - The National Anthem of Wales Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Gwlad Gwlad - The National Anthem of Wales

Learn to sing or pronounce the Welsh National Anthem.
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This giveaway offer has expired. Gwlad Gwlad - The National Anthem of Wales is now available on the regular basis.

Do you want to learn to sing or pronounce the Welsh National Anthem?
You may even want to learn a harmony part: alto, tenor or bass. This very popular bilingual app, from the National Library of Wales and etoapps will help you. •Learn the correct pronunciation of the Welsh words of Mae Hen Wlad fy Nhadau.
•The words can be practised/ imitated from appropriate slow speeds to the speed at which it is popularly sung.
•Practise in phrases or sentences. Start and stop points can be easily chosen and these sections can be repeated at the various speed until mastered.
•Learn to correctly sing the melody; you can choose Female Melody or Male Melody
•As a bonus individual harmony parts can be chosen and learnt: Alto, Tenor or Bass.
•Similar to learning the words the melody and each part can be practised in sections.
•Whilst learning your individual part you will have an instrumental accompaniment, your own part sung for you and eventually the other three parts for you to experience singing with others in harmony.
•Follow the music notation and words for each part which are shown on the screen with a real time Beat Counter appearing above the music. This will keep you in time as would a conductor. The words are also highlighted in their appropriate place.
•You don't have to be able to read music to learn but you will have a better understanding of the music notation after singing with the App.

This App will enable hundreds of thousands of Welsh men, women and children in Wales and those with Welsh roots throughout the world to sing Hen Wlad fy’n Nhadau with even more pride than they already do.

Ydych chi eisiau dysgu sut i ganu’r llinell alto, tenor neu fas i’r Anthem Genedlaethol? Neu efallai eich bod yn adnabod rhywun sydd eisiau gallu canu ac ynganu’r geiriau’r Anthem am y tro cyntaf.
Bydd yr app newydd sbon hwn gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ac etoapps yn eich helpu i wneud hynny.
•Dysgwch sut i ynganu geiriau Cymraeg Hen Wlad fy Nhadau.
•Gallwch ymarfer/ddynwared y geiriau ar gyflymder araf priodol neu ar y cyflymder mae’n cael ei chanu fel arfer.
•Gallwch ymarfer cymalau neu frawddegau. Gallwch ddewis mannau cychwyn a stopio yn rhwydd a gallwch ailadrodd yr adrannau hyn ar wahanol gyflymderau tan i chi eu meistroli.
•Gallwch ddysgu sut i ganu’r alaw yn gywir; gallwch ddewis rhwng Alaw Menyw neu Alaw Dyn.
•Gallwch ddewis a dysgu’r lleisiau mewn harmoni: alto, tenor neu fas.
•Fel wrth ddysgu’r geiriau, gallwch ymarfer yr alaw a phob llais mewn adrannau.
•Wrth ddysgu eich rhan unigol bydd gennych gyfeiliant offerynnol, eich rhan eich hun wedi ei ganu drosoch, ac yn y pen draw y tri llais arall er mwyn rhoi i chi’r profiad o ganu mewn harmoni ag eraill.
•Dilynwch y nodiant cerddorol a’r geiriau ar gyfer pob llais ar y sgrin gyda Mesurydd Curiad yn ymddangos uwchlaw’r gerddoriaeth. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau eich bod yn cadw’r curiad fel y buasai arweinydd yn ei wneud. Mae’r geiriau hefyd wedi eu hamlygu yn y man priodol.
•Nid oes rhaid i chi allu darllen cerddoriaeth i ddysgu ond bydd gennych well dealltwriaeth o nodiant cerddorol wedi i chi ganu gyda’r App...




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