Her gün ücretsiz lisanslı Android uygulamaları ve oyunlar sunuyoruz.
Bu programın süresi doldu. JustFriends artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
JustFriends is an interest-based friend finder.
It's strictly for friendship only, not for dating.
Users list their interests/hobbies in the Interest section, which will enable other users to find them based on the listed interests.
Users can search for new friends based on: 1) interest, 2) location or 3) distance from them.
Users can send chat request to each other. If another user accepts your chat request, you can then proceed to chat.
Users get notifications when they get a chat request, when their chat request is accepted and when there is new message for them.
Global chat room is available for public chat. There is even a chatbot to interact with you when there's nobody around.
Try the web version (no push notification capability) for free at http://justfriends.world/
Toxo and Co
4.1 and up
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