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Kamikazee Dice Score Card Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Kamikazee Dice Score Card

Kamikazee - here comes your digital score card for the popular dice game!
User rating: 5 2 comments

This giveaway offer has expired. Kamikazee Dice Score Card is now available on the regular basis.

Kamikazee - here comes your digital score card for the popular dice game!

+ clear design and simple to use

+ up to 4 players

+ flexible to play by various game rules

+ OPTIONAL FEATURE: easily connect to your other players at the table!
* see their filled in results in real-time also on your screen
* manage the scores for all other players, if they have allowed it

+ integrated dice cup functionality - if there is no real dice cup around

+ automated adding-up of the scores

+ completely ad-free

Roll the dice!


1-2-C-J Media










6.0 and up

Comments on Kamikazee Dice Score Card

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I would like to add something to my previous comment.

This has become one of my most used apps on both my phone and my Chromebook.

It's basically a yahtzee game but it works FLAWLESSLY! I play this everywhere, on the bus to work, on my breaks and ev
The GUI is superb as is the on-screen fluidity. It's ad free.

It has one simple drawback: in the same way that I don't need a GPS fitness thingy because I don't jog or a car speed-radar thingy because I rarely drive unless you play yahtzee you will never need this app if you don't play yahtzee. If you play chess or bridge or poker, you probably already have the relevant apps. This is only for Yahtzee players. But as far as things go it is perfect.

Reply   |   Comment by Keya  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

As a massive player of Yahtzee both on my phone and at home with friends I usually use the free app card games.io which is very good!
It has tonnes of different card and dice games as well as things like Battleships, Chess, Backgammon and Minesweeper.
You can also play online by challenging other players by name. I live in France but my family are in England so combined with a WhatsApp call these features are excellent! As a single player option you play against the game (an avatar called Bill) and the scoring system is very simple. Your possible scores for any given turn are calculated by the app and it shows you in which categories you can score which is great if like me you suck at even basic math.

Kamikazee Scorecard is slightly different.
It's a highly customisable scorecard/Yahtzee game which allows up to four players to play on the same phone (no data connection needed) so only one person needs the app.
It's one slight fault is that it doesn't show your score after each turn so you may find yourself reaching for the calculator from time to time.
Other useful features include that it tells you how many of your three rolls you have used in any given turn and that you can choose the score for additional yahtzees (in cardgames.io it's 100 points which is excessive). It's just a shame that you can't play against a game avatar.

In short this is well worth a download for Yahtzee fans. Thumbs up and thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by Keya Brown  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)
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