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Bu programın süresi doldu. KidVid Safe Videos For Kids artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
KidVid is a safe YouTube video player designed by parents for toddlers and school aged children. You know your child best, and you can now create a curated playlist of YouTube videos and channels for your children with KidVid - and don't worry about the unwanted "suggested videos" or objectionable comments as they will automatically be removed. KidVid will help you get that much needed break while your children can safely watch only the videos approved by you. KidVid also has a "Play Time" feature where you can specify how much time each child can spend within the app, and it will stop playing videos after the specified duration has passed.
- Supports multiple profiles and different playlists for each child
- Allows parents to subscribe to YouTube channels or videos (no Google account needed)
- Comes with a predefined set of recommended channels which include fun and educational videos for children
- Parent friendly and password protected setup area
- A timer can be setup to lock down the app after a specified period (can only be reset by a parent)
- Customizable video library interface allows to group videos by channel, or mix them up
- Quick "hide video" button allows you to hide certain videos in channels
- Easy to use interface - simple video player features and automatic video quality determination
- Safe YouTube search filter is enabled for parents by default
For support inquiries, please e-mail hello@kidvid.mobi
KidVid - Designed by parents, tested by kids!
Bora Bilgin
Video Players & Editors
4.2 and up
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