Her gün ücretsiz lisanslı Android uygulamaları ve oyunlar sunuyoruz.
Bu programın süresi doldu. LPG Costs Calculator artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Check if the LPG fuel injection system pays you off.
This is the only Android app that considers so many factors.
The end result is a very accurate calculation.
Apart from the usual variables as:
- the price of gasoline,
- price of LPG,
- the cost of installation,
The application also includes the calculation:
- increase in the price of the vehicle reviewing the assumed LPG
- increased use of spark plugs
- if there is an increased burning car on LPG
- filter costs and a volatile liquid phase
- review of the potential costs of LPG
... and many others.
gansa.pl | agencja interaktywna
Auto & Vehicles
4.2 and up
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