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Bu programın süresi doldu. Meteogram Pro Weather and Tide Charts artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
This resizable weather widget (and interactive app) provides a detailed and visually appealing weather forecast, allowing you very quickly to understand what to expect when you venture outdoors. The graphical format is commonly referred to as a 'meteogram'.
You can choose to display as little or as much information as you like, or you can set up multiple widgets showing different information (optionally for different places) in different widgets.
You can plot common weather parameters like temperature, wind speed and pressure, as well as tide charts, wave height, moon phase, sunrise and sunset times, and much much more!
The widget is fully resizable, so make it however small or large you like on your home screen! And the interactive app is just a click away, direct from the widget.
Furthermore, you can choose where your weather data comes from: the Norwegian Met Office (Meteorologisk Institutt), the Swedish Met Office (SMHI), the UK Met Office, Wunderground, AccuWeather, Darksky, NOAA, Openweathermap, or World Weather Online.
We recommend that you give it a go and explore the wealth of weather, marine and astronomical information available!
Support and Feedback
We always welcome feedback or suggestions. Join our online community at https://plus.google.com/communities/113730720584234790247, or email us using the handy link in the settings page in the app. Also check out the help pages at https://trello.com/b/ST1CuBEm, and the website (http://meteogra.ms) for further information and an interactive meteogram map.
4.1 and up
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