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Mint HD Icons Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Mint HD Icons

This is a pack of beautifully colored, flowery round icons.
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This giveaway offer has expired. Mint HD Icons is now available on the regular basis.

Here's some Minty cookies for your android devices. This is a pack of beautifully colored, flowery round icons. Icons use white, blue and pink backgrounds; so it is suitable for all genders. You can pair these with the Mint UCCW Skins - http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=wiz.uccw.mint

* All HD icons. 144x144 px. You might want to increase the icon scale in your launcher settings.
* This pack will change the background of every singe app you have on your device, to match with the mint cookie theme.
* Contains a lot of pre-themed icons with alternate background colors too. If you are not happy with default one, you can change it to the other available colors.
* Included icons are divided into categories in the app, so that you can browse through them easily.
* Works on KitKat and Jelly Bean devices too.
* wallpapers included.
* This is final version. No new icons will be made.

▪ Action Launcher Pro
▪ ADW Launcher
▪ Apex Launcher
▪ Aviate
▪ Go Launcher
▪ Holo Launcher
▪ Next Launcher 3D
▪ Nova Launcher
▪ Smart Launcher 2
▪ Themer
and possibly others.

To apply the icon pack -
* Apex, Nova, Aviate, ADW, Action, Smart, Next 3D, Go, Holo Launcher – Launch the "Mint HD Icons" app, tap “Apply theme” and tap your launcher icon.
* Additional step for Go Launcher users – On the home screen, press MENU > Preferences > Visual Settings. Switch to “Icons” tab and disable “Show icon base”.
* Next Launcher 3D Shell Lite: Tap "Themes mix" > Tap any icon on homescreen > Tapping on any icon pack will apply it. Then press back and ok.
* Themer - Themer Settings > Manage App Drawer > Set Icon Pack. Tap on the theme from the list and it'll get applied.

To individually change any app’s icon -
* Nova: Long press that app icon > Edit > tap the icon. Go to Mint HD Icons' page. Select from the several options you get. When icon is selected, tap the checkmark at the top left of the Edit Shortcut box.
* Apex / Holo: Long press that app icon > Edit > tap the icon > Icon Pack. Select the theme from the list and from there, you can select any icon. Then tap ok.
* Action launcher: Long press that app icon > change icon > Select from icon pack > Select the theme from the list > Tap the icon you want to use.
* ADW Launcher: Double tap that app icon > Edit > tap the icon > “ADWTheme IconPacks” > tap the theme name > Select any of the icon. Tap ok.
* Go LauncherEX: Long press that app icon > Replace > Select theme from the top left corner dropdown > Tap the icon you want to use.
* Next Launcher: Long press that app icon > Edit (2nd icon) > Select theme from the top left corner dropdown > Tap the icon you want to use.
* Smart Launcher - Long press that app icon > tap menu at top right > Edit icon > From IconPacks. Select the theme from the list and then tap the icon you want to use. Press back.

Mail me if you have ANY issues.


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2.2 and up

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