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Ninjay Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Ninjay

Read the description below as it explains the origins of this game and concept and I'll try not to bore you.
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Bu programın süresi doldu. Ninjay artık firmadan temin edilebilir.

Hello and thank you for checking out this game. It's very important the you read the description below as it explains the origins of this game and concept and I'll try not to bore you.

Ninjay was my first year semester projects. During my time in college, I was majoring in Simulation and Game Development. For one of my classes our finals consisted of making a full working game, it didn't have to be long however it had to have the concept document written out, and the game had to follow that concept to the “T”. No exceptions, the concept document was something that you could not change once the game moved to a production and development phase.

When it came time to present my work before the class. After reading the concept and when it came time for the presentation. My instructor loved it so much, I believe it was due to the flatulating ninja, which is still in this version of the game. She loved it so much that she pulled me aside as we were leaving and said she would love to see this one day become a full fledged game.

When I started the studio in October of 2010, I knew this would be the first game I tackle. It was originally designed for the Xbox 360 and was going to be published in their indie section. However my focus shifted to the Android platform due to it's relatively low entry cost and how open it is. Someone had asked me on Twitter if this could be made for the Android so after researching it, I jumped ship and in about four months later had it ready.

This is the paid version of the game. I encourage you to try the free version out, leave some comments below and feedback. We love hearing what you think. All the art assets in it I created even though I had no formal teaching, I did the best I could with what tools I have, and I handled the coding as well. Pedro Pablos composed the music you hear in it and is a very talented composer at that. We are committed to donating 95% of profits to the Wake Forest Burn Center to help them out.

Why are we doing this and how can I afford to live? I've visited the burn center a few times. There are a lot of great places to donate money to but this facility could really use some help. Myself, I remain focused on this studio and other ways to generate revenue or income and I do freelance work on the side that pays my bills and that's all that matters to me. Keep checking the studios developers blog at: http://18daystudios.blogspot.com

I want to personally thank a few people who helped behind the scenes. During the time I was developing this, when it was nearly finished for the Xbox, my father became ill and passed away. That really tore me up and I'm still recovering from that. This game is dedicated to him, John Forbes, I miss you Dad. Dianne Smith, my fiance, who was with me during the entire process and believes in me, I love you with all my heart and soul. To Jan Reavis a very good friend for many years, I miss our tea time and discussions. We'll have tea again soon! To John Reisdorf a friend and someone I consider my brother I met through Google+, he claims I'm his hero but really he is my hero. Jimmie Johnson another great friend who I also consider my brother and part of the family, his and mine, combined, he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. And finally, Jody Hartle, my advisor and instructor in college. You helped make this happen, without the knowledge you taught me it would have been a much harder challenge, thank you! And thank you again so much to everyone mentioned here and all of you out there who try this game out! There's more coming...

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at:
Richard Forbes – Founder / Lead Developer: eighteendaystudios@gmail.com

Edward Crowder – Wake Forest Burn Center: ecrowder@wakehealth.edu
Jan Reavis – Company Trustee: jraereavis@gmail.com


18 Day Studios







Everyone 10+, Fantasy Violence


2.2 and up

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