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Bu programın süresi doldu. Scanbooster Control sonography artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Learning sonography never has been easier! Just install Scanbooster® Control to your phone and Scanbooster® Ultrasound sim to your tablet. Follow our instructions.
Now you're using your phone almost like a real ultrasound probe!
We support all movements: Sweeping, rocking, rotating, tilting, fanning and sliding.
On older devices back/forth and left/right are achieved by swiping across the screen.
RealScan is available on new devices:
-realScan tracks your environment and therefore allows back/forth (sweep) and left/right (slide) movements by just -well- moving your device through the air. It feels as if you'd hold a real ultrasound probe in your hand.
5.0 and up
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