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Bu programın süresi doldu. Social Stories artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Simple stories with pictures to help children learn some basic life skills. They can allow them to overcome their fears or complete tasks which they need help understanding. This program contains a number of Social Stories with illustrations. They have been written by Grey Olltwit, are completely new and are not available anywhere else. Social stories included are; Getting Attention In Class, Dirty Hands, Sneezing, Looking Where You Are Going, Good Conversation, Playing With Friends, Turn It Down and Waiting Your Turn. Can be played landscape on a phone but best played on a tablet.
Grey Olltwit Educational Programs:
- Simple design makes them suitable for all, including Special Needs students e.g. ADHD, Autism, ASD etc.
- Suitable for all ages. No furry animals or pre-school graphics
No adverts. No in-app purchases. No data collected. Really FREE.
Grey Olltwit Educational Software
4.0 and up
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