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Torah Unit Converter Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Torah Unit Converter

Instantly convert units mentioned in Tanach (Bible) as well as Mishna and the Talmud
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This giveaway offer has expired. Torah Unit Converter is now available on the regular basis.

Convert measurement units found in the Torah. Instantly convert units mentioned in Tanach (Bible) as well as Mishna and the Talmud. Great for Daf Yomi, as well as any other area of learning in Tanach, Mishna, Gemara or Halacha. Four categories containing a total of 131 units, convert instantly to other Torah units and to modern units (Metric and Imperial)


- 131 different units - Nearly all known units are calculated (e.g. how many inches in a Tefach).

- Units are divided into four categories: Distance, Volume, Area, and Currency / Weight.

- When the unit has several opinions in Rishonim, alternate opinions are displayed.

- When applicable, three shitos (opinions) are available to choose (Chazon Ish, R' Chaim Naeh and R' Chaim Benish - based on the Rambam's measurements).

- Each unit has explanatory notes of what it is and places where it is mentioned in Tanach and/or Halacha.

- Long-pressing a unit copies the values to clipboard.

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT BUGS AND INACCURACIES ON THE MARKET. We will happily fix issues submitted to us by email. PLEASE SUBMIT ANY ISSUES TO INFO@EVERYTHINGHALACHA.COM - THANKS! (And don't forget to leave a positive review if you are happy ;)


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