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Ultimate Ghost Detector (EMF, EVP recorder) Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Ultimate Ghost Detector (EMF, EVP recorder)

This app is a powerful tool that uses the device's sensors to provide valuable data and features.
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This giveaway offer has expired. Ultimate Ghost Detector (EMF, EVP recorder) is now available on the regular basis.

This app is a powerful tool that uses the device's sensors to provide paranormal investigators and enthusiasts with valuable data and features.
After the success of the Ultimate EMF Detector with over 1.3 million downloads we decided to make an app specially designed for people interested in the paranormal.

There are 5 main modes:
1) EMF Advanced: EM Field detector and analyzer with graphs sounds and more.
2) EMF Simple: EM Field detector with a simple UI showing a LED bar or an analog meter.
3) EVP Recorder: Sound recorder used to capture sound to be analyzed for EVP.
4) Motion Detector: Motion and Vibration detector with graphs and more used to detect microvibrations on tables, furniture etc
5) Multi Meter: A combination of the EMF, Motion and EVP modes that provides all the data simultaneously. This mode has the feature to record EVP automatically when a sound alarm is triggered.

All data, EMF, Motion, Sound can be recorded with the included recorders.
Units of measurements include, microTesla, Gauss, metric and imperial units.

Extra features include a flashlight and a quick-launch camera button as well as a radar, compass, xyz bars and graphs, needles, LEDs, multiple sound alarms with vibration and more.
You should try the EMF Strength Sound (Radar) option on the EMF Advanced for an adaptive sound indicator.

This app is customizable with different backgrounds and colors.

You can use this app to detect changes in the magnetic field around the device, observe and record vibrations and capture sound to analyze for EVP. This data could, in theory, be useful in the search of ghosts, entities and paranormal phenomena.
This app is 100% Real meaning that it provides real data directly from the sensors without manipulating them or adding fake effects.

NOTE that this app uses the magnetic sensor. If your phone doesn't have this sensor the app is NOT going to display any measurements. If you open the app and the readings are 0 it means that this app can't work on your phone. Also avoid getting your phone near powerful electrical devices like power transformers since you might damage it. Use at your own risk.


MRE Programming










4.0 and up

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