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Easy Trend Pro Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - Easy Trend Pro

Opening price of the day, maximum and minimum of the first hour are enough to identify the trend of the day.
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This giveaway offer has expired. Easy Trend Pro is now available on the regular basis.

Stock Exchange Algorithm Opening price of the day, maximum and minimum of the first hour are enough to identify the trend of the day. Bullish or Bearish.
Easy trend have an algorithm that make able the investor to identify the trend of any financial instrument.
The calculation is easy. For the financial instrument you wish to follow, you need just the opening price, the maximum and the minimum of the morning exchange first hour.
Fill in the template provided with the above mentioned values.
Open: insert the opening price of the day.
Min: insert the minimum price of the first hour of negotiation.
Max: insert the maximum price of the first hour of negotiation.
Therefore, clicking on the button “Calculate” you will get three results:
1. Short : Bearish Trend
2. Long: Bullish Trend
3. Uncertain : nonoccurrence of the Algorithm’s conditions, then the position is uncertain.
Easy trend is simple, effective and safe. You can use this app to identify the daily trend along the first hour of the morning exchange and verify the calculation validity at the end of the trading day.
Also, you can insert the opening price, max and min on Monday and check the correctness of the calculation on Friday.
Easy Trend is flexible and adaptable to your intuition and perception of the market.
Easy Trend has been tested through Tradestation 2000i and Metatrader4 with EasyLanguage and MQL.
The use of Easy Trend in order to do real trading is totally under your personal responsibility. It is important to take in consideration the error deviation (standard deviation) of the Algorithm, which is equal to 30%. Also you need to remember to insert the stop loss and close the possible opened daily trades. This Algorithm is able to calculate the daily trend. We warmly recommend to not applying it for the late hours of the trading day. In this last case, you would have a high probability to obtain false signals of trend.


Bellomia Salvatore










4.0 and up

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