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The Children of Odin Book App Giveaway

Android Giveaway of the Day - The Children of Odin Book App

Stories from Norse Legends.
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This giveaway offer has expired. The Children of Odin Book App is now available on the regular basis.

Stories from Norse Legends. Lore of the ancestors of native Europeans.

Part I. The Dwellers in Asgard
1. Far Away and Long Ago
2. The Building of the Wall
3. Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger
4. Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard
5. How Brock Brought Judgment on Loki
6. How Freya Gained Her Necklace and How Her Loved One was Lost to Her
7. How Frey Won Gerda, the Giant Maiden, and How He Lost His Magic Sword
8. Heimdall and Little Hnossa: How All Things Came to Be
9. The All-Father's Forebodings: How He Leaves Asgard
Part II. Odin the Wanderer
1. Odin Goes to Mimir's Well: His Sacrifice for Wisdom
2. Odin Faces an Evil Man
3. Odin Wins for Men the Magic Mead
4. Odin Tells to Vidar, His Silent Son, the Secret of His Doings
5. Thor and Loki in the Giants' City
6. How Thor and Loki Befooled Thrym the Giant
7. Aegir's Feast: How Thor Triumphed
8. The Dwarfs Hoard, and the Curse that it Brought
Part III: The Witch's Heart
1. Foreboding in Asgard
2. Loki the Betrayer
3. Loki Against the Aesir
4. The Valkyrie
5. The Children of Loki
6. Baldur's Doom
7. Loki's Punishment
Part IV. The Sword of the Volsungs and the Twilight of the Gods
1. Sigurd's Youth
2. The Sword Gram and the Dragon Fafnir
3. The Dragon's Blood
3. The Story of Sigmund and Signy
4. The Story of Sigmund and Sinfiotli
5. The Story of the Vengeance of the Volsungs and of the Death of Sinfiotli
6. Brynhild in the House of Flame
7. Sigurd at the House of the Nibelungs
8. How Brynhild was Won for Gunnar
9. The Death of Sigurd
10. The Twilight of the Gods

卐 App Tags 卐

odin Thor Loki baldur Balder "Norse Gods" Edda Saga Freyja Frigg Freyr
Thunar Indra Agni "Norse Mythology" "Midgard Serpent" Asgard Vanir Æsir Idun "Idun's Apples" "Abduction of Idun" "Loki's Punishment" Snorri Sturluson , Týr Njörðr Heimdallr Fenrir "Norse paganism" Asatru "Scandinavian folklore" Skaði jötunn jötnar Yggdrasil " Poetic Edda" Mímisbrunnr Urðarbrunnr Hvergelmir Grímnismál Hávamál Völuspá "Prose Edda" Ragnarök jötnar "Ask and Embla" Ymir "The Viking" Padraic Colum
"Germanic Neopaganism" Valhalla valkyries Mjölnir Sif hel Fólkvangr Gerðr "Æsir–Vanir War" Iðunn Bragi " Elves and dwarfs" trolls Midgard Ratatoskr Veðrfölnir Fólkvangr goddess Rán Gefjon Sól Máni Sköll Háti "Líf and Lífþrasir" "the twilight of the gods" "building of the walls" "Odin goes to Mimir's well" Vafþrúðnismál Lokasenna Sigrdrífumál Vidar Jörmungandr The children of Loki Útgarða-Loki Hymir Angrboða Angrboda Iárnvidia Muspelheim Bifröst Niðhǫggr Ginnungagap Þrúðgelmir Bergelmir Vili and Vé Búri Borr creation myth Álfheimr Ljósálfheimr Niðavellir Svartálfaheimr Vanaheimr Niflheim Skrymir "how odin lost his one eye" The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths by Padraic Colum, [1920] Þjazi Mímir's Well virgin How Thor Killed Geirröd How Thor Lost His Hammer How Útgarða-Loki Outwitted Thor How Menglöð Was Won Odin drinking ale Thiassi Gangr Alvaldi Nanna Baldr yama indo european aryan nazi Hermóðr run runic 卐Rindr Sága Sökkvabekkr swanwives swan maiden Mermaid sea Nymph Fensalir goddesses Fulla, Lofn, Hlín, and Gná priyā Hliðskjálf Grímnir drinking horn mead of the poetry. Children of odin buy online amazon


Dharma Digital


Books & Reference






Everyone 10+


4.0.3 and up

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